How do I place an order?

  • Add to cart the items you desire, proceed to Checkout and enter your information in the required fields, choose the shipping method and the payment method. For paypal payments you will be directed to the paypal page where you can initiate the payment.


How can I contact you?


How do I know my transaction will be safe?

  • Our online shopping cart and security technology ensures the safest and most reliable checkout experience for our customers. We are committed to protecting your privacy. We do not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others.

How do I combine over multiple days?

  • Please contact us at sales@EdCoFineWoods.com prior to purchasing our items if you intend to take advantage of our combining period. We will provide you with the information which will allow you to combine over multiple days.

What happens after I’ve placed my order?

  • You will receive an automated confirmation about the status of the order.
  • Your order will be shipped within 1 to 2 business days after we receive the payment and you will be notified when we ship your order.
  • The shipping number will be available for you to view in the transaction page in your account.

How are products delivered to me?

  • We securely wrap the contents in multiple double sided cardboard before shipping your order. For more information on shipping times, please look over the information listed in our Shipping page.


What is your refund or exchange policy?

  • All of our listings come with money back guarantee that the items are as seen, as advertised. If there is a problem with your purchase, please contact us at sales@EdCoFineWoods.com within 14 days from receipt of your item to make return arrangements. We will only refund the purchases if the wood has not been altered in any way.


We try to anticipate questions you might have about our Products and Service and provide the answers here. If you need additional information please contact us at sales@EdCoFineWoods.com.