Combining Multiple Days


If you check our website and are buying our items on regular basis over the course of 30 days, you can use coupon code COLLECT to pay for the items only, and deal with the consolidated shipping cost when it’s time to ship the package.

This you will save a considerable amount in shipping costs and will not  have you rush to buy enough to make the shipping worthwhile for every shopping session; so you can check out our listing regularly and can buy a few items at the time, since you won’t be paying for the shipping until we combine your orders.

* please note that orders can only be combined if arrangements have been made beforehand.

This is the way it works:

  • If you want to proceed this way, please place a note with the purchases, or send us an email at stating that you wish to combine.
  • Use coupon code COLLECT at checkout on each shopping session; this will allow you to bypass the shipping cost (you’ll pay for the items only, by checking the "free shipping" option). You can use this coupon multiple times, for up to 30 days or 30 KG, whichever comes first (or we can ship the combined purchases whenever you instruct us).
  • We will hold the items for you and whenever the package is ready to ship, we will send you a paypal invoice for the consolidated weight of the items purchased.